My Practice

I am an “Intentional” Artist

Also visit I Make Prayer (What Nate Long “Owl” does)

I try as best as I am able to live a life that is intentional… this is also known as “living shamanic”.   This is different than “being a Shaman”  ….  My creations are my prayers to whatever Spirits or entities that need my intentions and attentions. I am able to channel the needs and create a physical, verbal or musical gift. These “made prayers” are my way to assist in healing… emotional, spiritual and physical.

Sacred Art for a Sacred Universe

This is a sacred universe, which contains a sacred Earth, upon which resides sacred plants and animals, sacred thought and prayer, sacred hope and caring. For everything is truly sacred and contains a Spirit that deserves respect and devotion. We, as Human, must find this vision of everything again… for where we have forgotten how to see the magic, everything else within this universe has not.

The Everyday Mindset

Being Intentional is a way of thinking and seeing the world and reacting to the world. It coexists and enhances almost all forms of religious beliefs and cultural spiritual practice. It is about living with a view of the world as a living and connected organism. We, as Human, are a part of the whole, not in charge of – or overseers of – the world.

The Ceremony as Art

Ceremony creation and facilitation is another form of art and of making prayer. It could also be labeled in secular terms as “interactive art.” It can be a beautiful and loving undertaking or a powerful healing, supportive and visible statement. Ceremony involves the deep journey work, persistence and fearlessness of judgments.  It also allows for a variety of artistic form factors to work in harmony and to create and hold the intention.

The Journey (shamanic journey)

Different from dreaming and from meditation, the journey is a tool used to provide a closer and more direct conversation with Spirit guides and ancestors; with the plants, animals and elements; and with the Earth herself. Within the journey, similar to lucid dreaming, questions are asked and answers are provided and healing and messages are sent and delivered. Bringing back the stories and recreating them in whatever artistic way is needed is the true job of a being an Intentional Artist.

What is Shamanism and Shamanic Practice?

For more information on Shamanic Practice, including publications, training and practitioner resources, please visit the Shamanic Passages Institute website, run by Gerry Starnes, founder of the Shamanic Passages Institute.

AboutMy Practice