Chariot Earth Drum

by | Sep 28, 2022 | Drum and Rattle, Journey Work

Chariot Earth Drum

She is blue and beautiful
Traveling through space as a chariot of spirit
Her golden light reaches through the void on threads
Stretching straight and true
Connecting and intersecting and rotating
Animating all things
Through sacred pattern, rhythm and frequency.
Riding upon her back, unaware of the roads she travels
We are capable, however, of feeling her heartbeat.
We are capable of joining our spirit with hers.

This is my journey
— Nate Long “Owl”

“Chariot Earth” is a 16″ drum, made of deer hide with a maple rim.
This is a commissioned piece birthed for a friend who had a vision of this
rotating Merkabah-like shape. Representing the sacred geometry
and patterned connections of all things in the universe, past, present
and future, with the Earth at the center of the constantly moving dance.


Drum and RattleChariot Earth Drum