Owl as Messenger of Truth

by | Jul 10, 2024 | Illustration, Journey Work

In the quiet embrace of twilight, the world stands on the cusp of night and day, and Owl emerges as the herald of Truth. Its silent flight is a gentle reminder of the unseen, the unheard, and the often unacknowledged realities that dwell just beyond our perception. When malevolent spirits, cloaked in the verdant camouflage of leaves and bushes, whisper their beguiling lies, Owl stands as a vigilant guardian, urging us to question, ponder, and see beyond the alluring façade of deceit.

With silver-tongued promises, these hidden spirits weave a web of illusion, drawing us into paths not our own. They speak with conviction, yet their words are empty, their promises hollow. They beckon us to follow, yet they remain shadows, offering nothing but the allure of false hope. In these moments of uncertainty and temptation, the Owl’s presence becomes a beacon of clarity, illuminating the murky waters of our indecision.

Owl’s gift is not one of easy answers but of profound questions. It invites us to delve deeper, reconsider our choices, and weigh our intentions while standing on the scales of wisdom. It cautions us to find the delicate balance between faith and scrutiny, as we stand between the courage to move forward and the wisdom to pause and reflect. For in our haste to chase after what we desire, we often turn a blind eye to the subtle signs of caution, the gentle nudges that suggest we might be straying from our true path.

To hear the Owl’s message is to confront the uncomfortable truths we often prefer to ignore. Here we acknowledge the possibility of error, the shadow of impending tragedy, and the reality that our chosen path may not be as righteous as we originally intended. Such revelations can evoke fear, even animosity, for who among us wishes to be told we are wrong? Yet, within this confrontation, a seed is planted and growth begins, as we peel back the layers of our self-deception and embrace the clarity that the Owl offers.

Owl’s presence is both a guide and a warning, a harbinger of potential peril and a herald of future triumph. When we find ourselves misled, lost in the labyrinth of falsehoods, Owl’s call compels us to reevaluate our steps, to realign our journey with the principles of truth, love, and service. It shows us the safer path, the more productive route, and the way that leads to a life of greater compassion and contribution.

Encountering Owl is a call to awaken, to sharpen our senses, and to recalibrate our inner compass. It reminds us to seek the good that surrounds us, to steady our footing on the precarious trails of life, and to remain vigilant to the signs that portend our future. As the messenger of truth, Owl is the signpost on our journey, providing guidance, cautioning us against danger, and pointing us toward rest and renewal.

To truly grasp and decode the truth that Owl brings requires the practice of discernment and the integrity of our hearts. By attuning ourselves to its wisdom, we navigate the labyrinth of life with a clearer vision, a steadier step, and a deeper understanding of the truths that light our way.

Owl Guide

As you lay back and relax with your eyes closed,
Imagine a shadow that passes over you.
A cool breeze touches you on your exposed skin,
As this shadow moves above and circles.
With each pass over, you feel a cool breeze.

Then the shadow stops and hovers above you.
Owl’s yellow eyes are watching down on you.
For a few moments, it sits in silence, watching you.
Then there is a deep hollow sound,
And you hear words within the inside of your chest:

“I am the bringer of messages of truth.
I bring the gift of ancient wisdom and intuition.
I bring the sharpest of vision and observation when things seem most dark.
I teach how to be silent and how to access long-past hidden knowledge.
And I am here, now, to give insight into what will come tomorrow.

What is heavy upon your heart that I can carry away?
What is missing and needed within your heart that I can bring for you?
Whom do you wish to send your prayers to? Because I will deliver them for you.
And now listen closely for I have a message only for you.”

This is my journey,
Nate Long “Owl”
(originally posted 9/22/2017)

Please visit www.blueeyeart.com to explore all of my posts and offerings, including my latest book “Made Prayer”. If you would like to discuss potential commissioned work, please send email to nate.long@blueeyeart.com.


IllustrationOwl as Messenger of Truth