“Make Your Circle Bigger”

by | Oct 28, 2016 | Illustration, Journey Work

“Make Your Circle Bigger” :

My Circle has always been big enough
To allow those who need to sit within
Now Circle wants to be more within their heart
And so I have made it bigger, as it needs to be
“Make your Circle bigger”
Is the message I keep hearing
So I hike to the woods
To the place I’ve knelt at for five years
I work with sweat dripping
To move logs and rocks
I push the perimeter out by two feet
I smudge with respect
Sit and give a blessing
Look upon this sacred place
And know I am now ready to invite more in
To sit with me in reverence
With these stones
Under these listening Cedars
To my drum as he speaks of healing

This is my journey
— Nate Long “Owl”


Illustration“Make Your Circle Bigger”