The Yellow Drum
She is a very large and round drum
Standing as a stage in the center of the clearing.
She glows a sun yellow and calls out to the Young
With a reassuring and purposeful rhythm.
She beckons for them to hurry,
To climb up and onto her surface and to be in safety.
Because around and within the deep trees
Are Dark Things that scare and that kill.
They beckon to the Young in their own Dark way.
Tempting them with Dark lies and Dark gifts.
Drum calls and continues to call
Until some of the Young come and climb up
And soon they are calling out to others, too,
To join them in safety.
And so, even though Dark Things still hold many,
The Young know they are no longer held as slaves,
And that they, because of Drum, hold Power
To push the Dark Things where they cast no shadows.
[If you feel trapped — then stop, listen and look for the drum that calls to you. Don’t be afraid anymore.]
This is my journey.
— Nate Long “Owl”