2016 Wyoming and Colorado Adventures

by | Jul 8, 2016 | Nature, Photography

Visit this Google Photo Album for more great photos from this trip!

We drove from Austin, Texas to Springfield, Colorado where we stopped to visit family. Visited a butte on the way out of town the next morning. We then headed North through Denver on the way to Northeast Wyoming to the town of Hullett, where family on my Dad’s side still live. This trip was a sort of pilgrimage for my family to spread my Dad’s ashes in Spearfish Canyon.

Woke early and walked to the creek behind the hotel room. There I prayed with sage burning and with my flute.  It was cool and dry and the mourning doves cried while I played. A horse and a colt came and watched me, as did a deer,  from the other side of the creek. A large cottonwood also watched me as I prayed.

Later, we took an adventure drive. We went to the Rim Rocks near Hulett and found names scratched into the sandstone and then scratched our own names in the stone. We climbed to the top for some photos. We then took a drive into the Black Hills forest and found a grove of Aspens, then drove to the top of Warren Peak where we climbed the Forest Fire Watch Tower and got an incredible view.

Drove from Hulett, Wyoming down to Leadville, Colorado.

Took a route through the mountains West of Denver, so we saw some amazing scenery.  Spent night in Leadville then drove up to Weston Pass the next morning where we hiked and camped for one night.

I have missed this sacred place.

It was very cold overnight and into morning. Went
on walk early while girls slept and set up an altar in the woods and
said prayers and made blessings.


Nature2016 Wyoming and Colorado Adventures