A Pulling Together

by | May 5, 2023 | Journey Work, Painting

A Pulling Together :

A pulling together of joys and love
From all the things that care
From near and far
From times long ago
And from the “right here” and the “will be”.
A pulling together into a brilliant point
Of light, of happiness, of adoring grace.
A pulling and an attraction and a gravity,
Swirling clockwise around a galaxy of bliss,
Down into a vortex, then down further.
All of this condensing to almost a singularity,
But not quite.
This pulling together has reached capacity
Where there is a spark
Which becomes this butterfly,
Flitting and playing
Upon the subtle currents,
Softly shaping and molding
The sacred into physical form.
And that is the birth of Joy.

Portrait of “Franklin” .. A Common Buckeye Butterfly

This is my journey,
— Nate Long “Owl”


Journey WorkA Pulling Together