A Shamanic Journey

by | Oct 19, 2016 | Illustration, Journey Work

A Shamanic Journey :

What is your intention?
Burn this into your mind’s eye
Repeat it ten times under your breath
And relax.

Lay back and close your eyes
Position your head toward the altar
Be as comfortable as you can
And let the drumming pull you along.

There is a path that winds around the heart
Just below the breast-bone
A trail of gold for some
A muddy mess to others.

And there are the companions and guides
Joining you on this journey
Comforting, protecting, prodding
And teaching you the best spots
To place each foot
Or if you must crawl where to put our hands.

Remember to always ask questions,
Sit with the answers you are given,
Never jump to conclusions
And always say thank you for what you receive.

This is my journey

–Nate Long “Owl”


IllustrationA Shamanic Journey