About Nate Long “Owl”

Nate Long is an Intentional Artist and community builder, who gains insight through meditative journey-work; and whose creations are truly a “made prayer” to address something bigger or deeper in the individual or in our world.  Nate’s work can illicit deep thought and encourages cleansing, healing and blessing of individuals, sacred spaces and community, and can help raise awareness and ease discomfort, however that may look.

Shows and Exhibits

Commissioned work for individuals and for important local, national and international causes:


Projects (including anticipated ones)

  • Shamanic Art Exhibit – Curation and facilitation of an art exhibit (in Austin and online) representing the art and story and practice of shamanism.
  • Turning Fear [of Cancer] into Love, A Healing Basket  – Building of a basket that serves as center piece and the creation and facilitation of ceremony focused on the healing of the fear that we all confront concerning cancer.
  • Austin Labyrinth Project – Research, teachings, building and walking the labyrinth with ceremony and ongoing coordination of quarterly caretaking. Including website, social media and interactive map of Central Texas Labyrinths.
  • Austin Shamanic Community Camp Out and Journey Circle – 2015-Present – Director for a  three day retreat held twice per year  for 25 to 40 attendees, which provides numerous classes, ceremonies and meditation activities.
  • Medicine Drum Making Workshops – 2016 – Present – Class and ceremony held twice per year, including building, care, proper usage and blessing of a medicine drum for Shamanic Drumming purposes.
  • Walk in the Wood – 2016 – Present – Creation of meditative space on greenbelt and facilitation of silent walking meditation and shamanic healing.
  • A Prayer of Gratitude – Beginning in 2015, an annual creation of large dream catcher (10 to 60 people in circle) during Shamanic drumming and ceremony. Held during November time-frame. In 2020, a 100′ catcher was created in the park.
  • Making Prayers for the Water Protectors – December 2016 – Ceremony to pray and raise awareness for the Standing Rock protests.
  • Prayer for Syrian Refugees – 2015 – Construction of large roped spiral for meditation walk to raise awareness and donations for Syrian Refugee crisis.
  • Mother Water – 2015 – Online program to sell prints and collect donations for the Wimberley, Texas floods

 Leadership , Community and Professional Activities

  • Blue Eye Art – 2008 – Present – Owner and artist for website and blog to share personal writing and artwork with an audience of artists, shamanic practitioners, alternative healers and all seekers.
  • Austin Shamanic Community – 2013 – Present – Activities director and member of community leadership council. Ceremony and class teacher and facilitator.
  • Technical Writer – 1995 – Present
  • Marketing Communications Manager – 2000 – 2009


  • Figurative Model Drawing Class, AVAA and Hancock Recreation Center, Austin, Texas – 2015 – Present
  • Spirit Paths, a Search for Authenticity, Austin, Texas – January-September, 2015
  • Bachelor’s Degree: Fine Arts Major, English Writing Minor. Graceland University , Lamoni, Iowa – May 1991

 Preferred Artistic Mediums

Drawing, painting, digital design, illustration, photography, stone-work, wood-work, sewing, drum-making, multimedia sculpture, poetry/prose, music (singing, flute, violin, drum), cooking, group ceremony, interactive exhibits and performance

AboutAbout Nate Long “Owl”