The markers keep pointing ahead toward where I need to go.
They are the good markers and they are the right markers
And they continue to talk to me and point me down a “right” path.
They are created by my prayer.
Once in a while I will look down the “other way”,
Sometimes longingly wondering what I am missing,
Sometimes grateful that I have been shown this path I have.
There are those I wish to follow,
Those I may even think I’m suppose to follow,
Who will take a piece of flesh,
Or I will give a piece of flesh
From inside my chest.
And they will move off, down and away on their branch of the path.
These people are the ones I can only try and believe
Are somehow better with a piece of me in their hand.
And did I obtain a piece of them in return?
Was it given out of love or did I take it without respect?
Only they would know this answer.
This exchange of the heart is not easy.
But tomorrow I will look up from my feet
And see the next marker,
And take the next branch in the path
Down through the trees and stones
Where there is always someone else to meet.
This is my Journey
— Nate Long “Owl”