Balance Between Receiving and Releasing

Balance Between Receiving and Releasing

Deer in the Water Catcher Here is a Made Prayer “Deer in the Water Catcher” for a friend and his beautiful family. The message came in through Deer who stood by a river: “Be vigilant to maintain your balance. Float gently with the challenges and the...
Willow Catcher

Willow Catcher

Here is a Made Prayer done for the father for his young child. The willow tree spoke to me of her willingness to guide and protect and gave me the image of this catcher to be made and hung above the child’s bed. The hoop is willow branches. The leaves are cut and...
Completion in the Moment

Completion in the Moment

Within a photo of the sun on the horizon, it can be challenging to know whether it is rising or setting. It doesn’t matter.This frozen moment in time captures a magical, liminal point of view, at that moment when the universe is both inhaling and exhaling at the...
Owl as Messenger of Truth

Owl as Messenger of Truth

In the quiet embrace of twilight, the world stands on the cusp of night and day, and Owl emerges as the herald of Truth. Its silent flight is a gentle reminder of the unseen, the unheard, and the often unacknowledged realities that dwell just beyond our perception....
Author: Nate Long