The Lilly

The Lilly

The Lilly : For my Aunt Lorrie and Aunt Lucy This garden planted so very long ago With calloused hands With hands of caring and prayer With intentions beyond intentions Here the vibrant Lilly still grows. This is my journey, — Nate Long “Owl” Carved...
Sovereignty of Self

Sovereignty of Self

Sovereignty of Self : Having followed this almost invisible trail. A broken twig, a slight scuff in the mud. Making it this far, to this hidden And magical place in the grasses. And now in this clearing, There’s a threshold across the path And a sudden...
Medicine Tree

Medicine Tree

Medicine Tree : A tree has been planted and the leaves are hung with care as medicine to stop the bleeding from our heart where we regret the path we have ended up on. Humility is demanded if the fears of the future are to be turned into that sweet shady place near...
Author: Nate Long