Balanced Introspection

Balanced Introspection

This is for everyone who must find that middle point of balance between the traumatic memories and the joyful memories and to recognize this point is what makes us who we are today. Balanced Introspection In the stillness of the desert’s breath,A lone bloom...
Balance Between Receiving and Releasing

Balance Between Receiving and Releasing

Deer in the Water Catcher Here is a Made Prayer “Deer in the Water Catcher” for a friend and his beautiful family. The message came in through Deer who stood by a river: “Be vigilant to maintain your balance. Float gently with the challenges and the...
Willow Catcher

Willow Catcher

Here is a Made Prayer done for the father for his young child. The willow tree spoke to me of her willingness to guide and protect and gave me the image of this catcher to be made and hung above the child’s bed. The hoop is willow branches. The leaves are cut and...
Author: Nate Long