by Nate Long | Oct 21, 2023 | Journey Work, Photography
Prayer Review It is humbling to look back on the prayers I have made, only to see where I may have failed to take direct action and help Spirit fulfill these prayers. In these moments there are feelings of failure and guilt and of not being enough of service to what...
by Nate Long | Sep 7, 2023 | Journey Work, Made-Art
Thirty-Three Buffalo Thirty-three buffaloLay upon a field of blue flowers,While threads of sunbeamsWeave medicines in their large heartsTo mend the wounds from their march. Thirty-three buffalo talk in councilAbout the trail left behindThe canyons and rivers and...
by Nate Long | Aug 28, 2023 | Drum and Rattle, Made-Art
Visit this Google Photo Album for images of this drum, the building process and the ritual completion. 24″ Buffalo Hide, 16-sided red cedar wood rim and stand. Intention: Client: My prayer for this drum is that as we use it to open ourselves and invite the...
by Nate Long | Aug 27, 2023 | Drum and Rattle, Made-Art
Visit this Google Photo album to see all photos of this great event! August 2023, Austin, Texas (7 new drums) For more information on drum/rattle making and future workshops please visit the Medicine Drum and Rattle Making page.
by Nate Long | Aug 1, 2023 | Illustration, Journey Work
In the Fabric of Alternate Embrace Fabric into which we were bornThreads of silk and soft gold holdCoddling with God’s breathA home upon infant skin Looming over and dressingHolding and protectingBlessings with potentialOwning the clothes we wear These robes...