Nine years ago, you sit across from me on your father’s lap
On a train-ride back from Bruges.
Your father tells me your name, “Freda… Freda Blume”
In a very thick French accent.
You are no older than three
And I swear I’ve met you before.
Your small hand reaches across to share some tiny shrimp
That you and your father purchased at the fish market in Ostend,
Where you had spent the day on the beach.
We are all returning to some place, but never the same place it seems,
But many times we travel together.
Today, nine years later, you have returned, you ancient little girl.
And at only four years old and with a sweet French accent
You tell me your name is something different.
But I know it is you, Freda .. I just know.
But you must return to France, now.
So as you exit the train I hear my own voice call after,
“Av Revoir, Freda Blume … Av Revoir”
This is my Journey
Nate Long “Owl”
Graphite with digital manipulation