Behind the Threads

by | Mar 10, 2017 | Illustration, Journey Work

Behind the Threads :

(I am made of rhythm)

I Journey with intentions of rhythm and I walk forward with the question of how rhythm exists within this world — and why it exists and how. I follow on the surface of water where the beating drum is causing waves across the surface – in circles – parallel to each other. I ride on the surface like I’m on a canoe. Each wave and ripple is the result and bi-product of rhythm. Rhythm and frequency and vibration are the same. Matter is made up of vibrating particles.

The parallel waves then become lines that stretch, one after the other, off to the horizon. Then I see that there are many more lines running perpendicular to the first set and that these two sets of lines are woven together. And all of these lines, these rhythms, have become rope or thread. And this entire surface has now become a great tapestry.  I see now that all form and shape and matter are made of this cloth that is made with the threads of rhythm.

I know now that I am made of rhythm — that all things are made of rhythm.

I move closer to this fabric now and notice, just barely, that something brilliant is hiding behind the woven threads. With careful intention I move even closer to get a better view but I cannot slide between the threads. This is okay because this cloth is here to hold me and all things in place. But I can glimpse just enough of the beauty to know it is pure Love and pure Grace and pure Spirit. And if I were to give this brilliance a name, I would call it “Great Mystery”.

This is my Journey
— Nate Long “Owl”

graphite and ink with digital manipulation


IllustrationBehind the Threads