Once More, We Begin

Once More, We Begin

This game we playEach day we wakeEach January firstEach inhaleOnce again, we begin. What have we learnedFrom the previous round?What needs to be healedTo succeed in this next round? Healing consists of three parts:First: Higher perspectiveOn the story we have already...
Planting a Seed

Planting a Seed

A Shamanic Flute Journey for the New Year Planting a Seed Flute Journey : The most effective way, maybe the only way, to manifest abundance for the new year ahead, is to begin by planting an intentional seed of hope, gratitude, and love within our heart space. We can...
Flute Healing Journey and Healing Hands Song

Flute Healing Journey and Healing Hands Song

This is a sound healing ceremony featuring flute, drum and song. I have facilitated many times over the past several years. The Healing Hands Song: In November of 2018, while in isolation and prayer for three days and nights, I was gifted a song. I was told this is a...
Flute Legend

Flute Legend

Flute Legend : Lost and looking for a trailElk has long since vanishedA mountain chill and wind blows the passA knock-knock-knock echoesThrough the cedar groves. A flash of red moves through branchesAgain a knock-knock-knockAs the winds rattle the dry limbs...