Av Revoir Freda Blume

Av Revoir Freda Blume

Av Revoir Freda Blume : Nine years ago, you sit across from me on your father’s lapOn a train-ride back from Bruges. Your father tells me your name, “Freda… Freda Blume”In a very thick French accent. You are no older than threeAnd I swear I’ve...


Touch : Skin upon the surface honored with soft caresses from fingertips of loversSoftly flashing from fireflies in the junipersAnd a moon that paints the makeupUpon the cheeks and lips of the innocent A bird’s shadow catches the eyeBut there is no sound of...
Words on the Wind

Words on the Wind

Words on the Wind : Sorrowful and hollow Words on a distant wind Through the twisted oak branches That hug the corn field. Talking in its flute-like language, Speaking to the shut-away and the sad, “Your lover will return Just in time for Harvest.” And so...
Tiny Actions

Tiny Actions

Tiny Actions : The entire universe originated f rom the smallest point and place imaginable. Within each second we all make the smallest of decisions and the tiniest of course-changes, most with complete unawareness. And our tiny actions have grand aspiration to grow...
An Exchange of the Heart

An Exchange of the Heart

An Exchange of the Heart : The markers keep pointing ahead toward where I need to go.They are the good markers  and they are the right markersAnd they continue to talk to me and point me down a “right” path.They are created by my prayer. Once in a...
A Prayer to the Three Worlds

A Prayer to the Three Worlds

A Prayer to the Three Worlds : To the World that radiates up and out and beyondInto the vastness of this universe.Please allow me to know you in a gentle wayAnd to never feel insignificant. To the World that opens like a bottomless caveDown, down, down within my very...