by Nate Long | Mar 5, 2017 | Illustration, Journey Work
Your Own World : You live on your own world of grass and mud, of suns and moons, of tall trees and deep holes. You think you own this place, this world where you stomp and strut upon the magic with your mud-caked boots. You sit in your hole and are either oblivious...
by Nate Long | Mar 2, 2017 | Illustration, Journey Work
The Wheel I Ride Upon : I listen to the drums and find myself trying to hear something that wants to be heard, something that is sitting just between each strike of the mallet. I concentrate here and this then changes into the weaving of a basket, then a tapestry and...
by Nate Long | Feb 23, 2017 | Illustration, Journey Work
Rebalancing through Recognition : A rebalancing occurred last night within myself. There was a sense that the opposites in this worldneed to recognize each other…And slowly I think they are. Which side are you on?The big side or the small sideThe dark side or...
by Nate Long | Jan 27, 2017 | Book, Illustration
Visit the Helpers page A book about a child discovering unexpected helpers along her very challenging journey.A book for all ages, because we all need helpers. Story and Illustrations by Nate Long “Owl” and published by Blue Eye Art. Please feel free to...
by Nate Long | Jan 25, 2017 | Illustration, Journey Work
The Healing Place There is a place where we goWhen prayers of healing are madeA place within a mystery and within an intentionAnd this place exists not on this EarthBut within the upper worldAnd we find that our prayers of healingExist not within this timeAnd so...
by Nate Long | Jan 11, 2017 | Illustration, Journey Work
Take My Hand : It is nice, every once in awhile, to have someone take my hand and lead me where I need to go.They always learn so much when they do this.(as do I) This is my journey — Nate Long “Owl” Ink with digital...