by Nate Long | Jul 25, 2022 | Illustration, Journey Work
Bear : I am on my journey and I am in the Wood, alone, and it is very quiet, ominous and unnerving. Then I hear rustling and look to see Bear poke his nose through the trees. Fear rises in me as I am aware that the bear could attack suddenly. I hold very still and I...
by Nate Long | Jun 21, 2022 | Illustration, Journey Work
Dogs ; While out on a journey of reflection, I see the following: Wolf, Coyote and Fox are lounging and relaxing in the sun. A stray dog comes and lays down with them, without a fuss from anyone. This is my journey Nate Long “Owl” pen and ink with digital...
by Nate Long | May 24, 2022 | Illustration, Journey Work
Hero : I have never seen myself as a warrior or a hero But I am feeling an excitement within To step into a unique field of battle Not to face fear of tomorrow’s unknowns But to confront the shadows already within There is a sword I’m being asked to wield...
by Nate Long | Feb 10, 2022 | Illustration, Journey Work
Truth Signals : Drum beats open gaps for us to hear, to feel, to see, to move into a world of Spirits. Where we are given a signal for what is “yes” and what is “no” and what is “maybe” … there always should be room for a...
by Nate Long | Jan 10, 2022 | Illustration, Journey Work
Live Small. Love Big : We may be separated by distance But we do sit in this Circle together. Within your mind see and feel our circle as an extension of your body. Reach out and take the hand of the one next to you. Left hand up, right hand down. Feel their energy...
by Nate Long | Dec 3, 2021 | Illustration, Journey Work
Committee of Three : Sit down at this fire with this committee of three important souls: Your descendant, your ancestor, and you. You are the descendant that your ancestor wishes to nurture. You are the ancestor your descendant is calling on for guidance. And the...