by Nate Long | Oct 7, 2021 | Illustration, Journey Work
Lesson from Vertigo : Lesson from Vertigo With a bout of vertigo recently, my journey work has tapped into this ailment. I’ve since had a few conversations with this very (may I say) annoying Spirit Guide. Forward: New beginnings ahead. Anticipation. Fear. Right...
by Nate Long | Sep 23, 2021 | Illustration, Journey Work
Light and Love : When walking through the shadows, find that small spark of self-love within. Embrace it and turn up its brightness. Shine it on all around and walk with power and sacred purpose. The sacred is within. The shadows can no longer enter. And as the...
by Nate Long | Aug 27, 2021 | Illustration, Journey Work
(a return to the time of the Grandmothers) Legacy : He learned all he knew from his Mother and Grandmother. What time of year to plant each seed? How deep within the soil and how much space between? Did they need the morning or the evening sun? Would they require more...
by Nate Long | Jul 23, 2021 | Illustration, Journey Work
New Perspective Brings Insight : When we open ourselves up to seeing things from a different angle or through another’s eyes, whether intentionally or not, we then know without doubt that true empathy brings the deepest wisdom and the most effective healing....
by Nate Long | Jul 13, 2021 | Illustration, Journey Work
Riding the Scorpion : She watched her sister carefully Climb onto the back of the scorpion. Her knuckles were white as she held on tight With eyes gleaming in both sorrow and hope. This final journey would be so brief After a long and hard lifetime of preparation. And...
by Nate Long | May 25, 2021 | Illustration, Journey Work
Medicine Tree : A tree has been planted and the leaves are hung with care as medicine to stop the bleeding from our heart where we regret the path we have ended up on. Humility is demanded if the fears of the future are to be turned into that sweet shady place near...