
by | Mar 30, 2023 | Illustration, Journey Work


We are all like the Spider building our web out beyond ourselves. Connecting the cords then cutting the cords then reconnecting and recutting. We reach out with longing to everyone and everything, hoping to catch a friendship or power or love or recognition. And like Spider, we can sometimes feel the subtle vibrations on the thread when we have caught another friend or another victim. We also might feel the slight tug when another has attached their cord to us. The tricky part with all of this is to deeply appreciate and understand the many, many reasons there are to connect and be connected; both the honorable and the base reasons. We also must discern when to disconnect from our own cast out cords as well as those who have attached to us; and we must learn how to do it with integrity.

This is my journey
Nate Long “Owl”

