For some, what lies on the other side of the wall is yet another wall. Sometimes our walls are built by others … or at least we say they are. Most times we have built the walls ourselves without even knowing it.
Step one: recognize and own the bricks in the wall that you have placed.
Step two: consciously and prayerfully and with whatever spiritual help you need… remove your bricks.
In the end, we can only change what we ourselves have created. But by doing that, we provide inspiration and incentive for others to own … then remove… their bricks, too. So remove your bricks with integrity because there will likely be others who look to you to learn how it is done.
Step three: Give Thanks as the first wall comes down.
Step four: Now… it is time to work on disassembling the second and third and fourth walls… but this time with help from family, friends and community… and of course… with the help of the higher powers, who just love assisting with the disassembling.
This is my journey,
— Nate Long “Owl”
Graphite with digital manipulation