Sweat streaks have dried dirty on the arms and chest.
Muscles are sore and hunger growls, so a comforting shower, meal, and bed beckons.
Remembering the work completed and the miles walked, and bumps stumbled, and people met, and the words shared.
Feel it… the satisfaction of accomplishment. Taking this to bed.
Learning from the teachers and elders while letting go of the regrets and assumed judgments from harsh words and sharp looks.
Working to let go of all that no longer serves to make room for what does.
It is time to say, “good night” and “thank you” and “forgive me.”
It is time to face the West Wind with a sky filled with brilliant baby blues and pinks.
Face the West Wind with the removal of the work boots, a return to the hearthstone, and retiring to the bedstead to prepare to be reset at that later midnight moment of passage.
This is my journey.
— Nate Long “Owl”
Ink with digital manipulation