Flute Healing Journey and Healing Hands Song

by | Dec 10, 2020 | Flute, Special Event

This is a sound healing ceremony featuring flute, drum and song. I have facilitated many times over the past several years.

The Healing Hands Song:

In November of 2018, while in isolation and prayer for three days and nights, I was gifted a song. I was told this is a Healing Hands Song. This is purely a vocable song (having no words) but the way the melody and verses progress follows the contours of the hands. As part of this gift, I was given instruction behind the meaning and how to sing it and that these instruction are to be shared so that this medicine can provide the highest healing impact. I was also instructed not to record this ceremony, either via audio or video. If you are able to participate in this journey, please respect Spirit’s wishes and refrain from recording.

I trace with a melody around the contours of my two hands held open in front of me.

First verse with hands facing me, is for the healing of my own inner being, to enable me to be more balanced to be in a good place to offer comfort to others.

Second verse with hands towards my friend, family or partner, is for healing of another, be that physical, emotional or energetic.

Third verse is with hands more apart, facing toward those we congregate with, and is for the healing of our larger interactions with the circles and communities we belong to.

Fourth verse  is with hands wide apart, encompassing the vastness of all our relations, and is for the healing of the Earth and Water and Sky and all that is.

This is my journey,
— Nate Long “Owl”


FluteFlute Healing Journey and Healing Hands Song