There is a loud buzzing, maybe it is Bee or Cicada.
I hear the sound stop suddenly — it has landed.
I cannot see this creature until I lay back on my blanket
And look up through the tree limbs.
There, five feet above my gaze sits Hummingbird.
Her head moves side to side
And I am certain she knows I watch.
I then close my eyes and thank her
And ask her for an invitation to see as she does.
Her answer comes as she buzzes
And lifts herself off the limb for a second.
So I take a trip up through the branches
And I shift into Hummingbird.
Joy surfaces like a flood and time vanishes.
Past is unimportant and future has no meaning.
The world is very big, but somehow it is as it should be.
I see an amazing and beautiful world
That at this moment is my entire world.
I am fast and efficient in my movements
As I move to find the sweetness of this earth.
I know with all of my instincts that this same sweetness
Is a vital medicine for all things of this World.
I move back down to the blanket.
I thank Hummingbird for her amazing lessons
And she instructs me to tell others, saying,
“very few lessons in this world are for you and you alone.”
This is my journey.
— Nate Long “Owl”