Journey with Upper and Lower Drums

by | Sep 9, 2015 | Drum and Rattle, Made-Art

Upper Drum
Lower Drum

I feel the slight touch of a spider web then Spider himself crawling on my hands as I drum. I become Young Spider and a strand is spun high into the air. I float up with it and I see down. I see a large snake many feet below me and I see his head disappearing into the ground. There is a lone man walking along Snake’s back toward the hole. He seems to be praying and celebrating. I then float higher and higher and Snake becomes smaller below me. I look up to see the underside of an enormous hand, like the underside of a giant thundercloud. In the middle of this palm there is a light shining  through a gap, just as  the sun shines through a hole in the clouds. As I approach I see the light as coming from a caring and kind eye within the palm. I know if I chose to, I could rise up through this eye to the Upper World. I also know I could follow Snake below into the Under World.

This is my journey

— Nate Long “Owl”


Drum and RattleJourney with Upper and Lower Drums