Four Wheels

by | Sep 8, 2019 | Journey Work, Made-Art, Video

Four Wheels :

“Four Wheels” — about this piece… there are 343 total hanging mountain laurel seeds and wooden beads… . 7 strands of 49 seeds/beads each. 100 wood beads …. 243 mountain laurel seeds. There are also 28 stone beads that tie off each of the four sections. The four sections and the four medicine wheels within, represent an intention towards balancing the four focuses of healing: The self, the family, the community and the world. The strands are strung with yellow string as the light frequency within all things. The horizontal wood, five total, is juniper. The sections are hung with glass beads: black (West), red (North), yellow (East) and white (South) bead strands respectively… with blue and brown “spots” within the “East” and “South” for the spots of illness we all have. The entire piece is hung with blue glass beads as everything is suspended from the Sky above.

This is my journey
Nate Long “Owl”

To purchase or to commission a sacred object creation, please contact me for information and pricing.


Journey WorkFour Wheels