We may be separated by distance
But we do sit in this Circle together.
Within your mind see and feel our circle as an extension of your body.
Reach out and take the hand of the one next to you.
Left hand up, right hand down.
Feel their energy and love.
We each make up a piece of this new and amazing Circle Creature.
And this IS a very special and magical creature… this Circle.
Now … together we can animate this being that we are a part of.
And together we can encourage this Circle to shrink.
Slowly, then more quickly, the Circle, with us included, shrinks smaller and smaller.
Soon we can see that we are the size of a large turtle, then the size of an apple.
And we continue to shrink.
Now down, down to the size of a wedding band… and smaller still.
Now the width of a human hair … smaller
Until we feel we are almost traveling downward to become
A molecule …. Then and atom … Then pure energy.
Here we pause.
Here is where we leave our prayer and our intentions and our love.
Because here is where we all truly can understand
What it means to be a part of all things.
Here size is irrelevant
And here we know we have true influence on even the stars and galaxies.
Here we pause and pray and send our blessing three times:
“I bless you with love to honor your importance in this world.”
“I bless you with love to honor your importance in this world.”
“I bless you with love to honor your importance in this world.”
And with this we feel the hands of those next to us
And we shift them to left hand up, right hand down
And we ask this Circle Creature to grow for us.
Bigger and bigger until we are the size of the ring,
Then the size of the apple, then turtle,
Then the size of Circle you can imagine we stand together in.
And with heart felt intentions, we send the blessing to each other three times:
“I bless you with love to honor your importance in this world.”
“I bless you with love to honor your importance in this world.”
“I bless you with love to honor your importance in this world.”
And with this we gently release our hand holds and step back with gratitude.
This is OUR journey
Nate Long “Owl”