Making Prayer of Gratitude 100′ Dreamcatcher Circle – 2020

by | Nov 22, 2020 | Made-Art, Special Event, Video

Visit this Google Photo Album for images from all Dreamcatcher Ceremonies

2020 Dream Catcher Gratitude Ceremony
2020 Dream Catcher Gratitude Ceremony

Building a 100 foot dreamcatcher in the park!

with Nate Long “Owl”

On November 22, 2020, this beautiful 100 foot dreamcatcher was created the park at Barton Springs Pool in Austin, Texas. With 50 “corners” held by community, we all yelled the things we were grateful for into the middle to be “caught” by Spirit.

Looking forward to repeating this project next year!

Visit this Google Photo album to see all photos of this wonderful event!

View the video of this event by clicking below

2020, 100 Foot Gratitude Dream Catcher Project :

A Catcher woven between us
Connects us all
We give our Gratitude and Unconditional Love to all things
Letting us hold the space of every one and every thing

Letting us for a brief moment feel how it does
To have influence on an entire Universe

“We give you our unconditional love, do you accept?” … No
“We give you our unconditional love, do you accept?” … No
“We give you our unconditional love, do you accept?”
YES!!!!!   … and I give you all my Gratitude.

— Nate Long “Owl”

For this exploration circle, we will be making a prayer of Gratitude for the holiday season. This is a process of creating a sacred object, sometimes physical sometimes imaginative, that is based upon the inspirations gained from our intentions while on a meditative or spiritual journey — this can then be spiritually gifted to others in your life.

A prayer is a communication with something larger and more mysterious. It is a request for assistance or a way of celebrating and giving thanks to something.

True Prayer is done with purposeful and focused intent; with sacred conviction, adoration and extreme respect.

Prayer, at the very root of its practice, is purely Shamanic.


Made-ArtMaking Prayer of Gratitude 100′ Dreamcatcher Circle – 2020