Mother’s Heart

by | Feb 14, 2016 | Illustration, Journey Work

Mother’s Heart :

The quick beating seems to go very deep
Below my feet, below the rich dark soil
Quickly they pulse with circular words

Maybe from the iron forges of evil dungeons
But no… definitely not so dark and ominous as that

Deeper still the drumbeat resonates
And the words become clearer
Or at least the message being told

Many centuries ago her heart beat slower
Time passed slower
Her children moved and lived and loved slower

She is telling me… she… Our Mother
Her heart beats from The Center
Quickly and steadily round and round

Today she is providing us all with life
She is singing to all of us about love

Despite our disrespect and exploitation
Despite our fears and our hatred

She is still singing about love
And will continue to sing and brag about her children
Just as any Mother would do

This is my journey

— Nate Long “Owl”


Happy Valentines, Humanity
My heart beats with love for you
-Your Mother,


IllustrationMother’s Heart