My Journey About Holiday Extremes

by | Dec 29, 2022 | Illustration, Journey Work

My journey about holiday extremes

I am struck by the vastness of separation and imbalance in the emotional landscape that occurs during this time of the year… the holiday season.

On one end, far above, is this extreme joy and gratitude and love. Jingle bells and jolly laughter and family gatherings. Goofy commercials and marketing campaigns and memes. An indulgence of food and drink and gift-buying (and giving and receiving) and smiles.

On the other end, far below, is extreme emotional bleakness. Loneliness, grief, anxieties, and fear of not having enough. A depression of helplessness and hopelessness. Of longing and loss and a need to numb the pain through overindulgence.

Even though these two extremes seem miles away from each other, both are fighting a battle against the other.

The Above seems to exaggerate and flaunt and overinflate and insist on putting on a joyful smile. This is done, many times, to dismiss and hide-away the darker extremes. To fight against what we don’t want to see or recognize, we must exaggerate what we have or what we think we have.

The Below similarly exaggerates the sorrows and loneliness of life. The depression is almost seen as acceptable this time of year more so than others. And it feeds itself like a monster. There is also an anger within the fight against the joyful side, an anger that is inviting and even comforting.

The middle ground and balance point this time of year seems very hard to find, for me at least. It’s a place where exaggerated and extreme emotions from both sides must be tamped down and can feel not unlike being emotionless. To sit in this middle place and just observe the extremes can bring its own sense of disconnection and dismissiveness. But it can also be a comforting place to be, as well since it allows for an empathy to be had for both sides.

This time of year is a polarizing one. My journey, and the messages from Spirit and my guides, gives me this perspective from the Middle. Life is both a challenge and a joy and must be viewed for truly what they are.

This is my journey,
Nate Long “Owl”


IllustrationMy Journey About Holiday Extremes