Once More, We Begin

by | Jan 6, 2024 | Flute, Journey Work

This game we play
Each day we wake
Each January first
Each inhale
Once again, we begin.

What have we learned
From the previous round?
What needs to be healed
To succeed in this next round?

Healing consists of three parts:
First: Higher perspective
On the story we have already lived,
On all that has happened,
The good, the bad, and indifferent.

Second: Gratitude
And letting go of those things
That no longer serve,
And acknowledgement
Of what we have been taught.

Third: Acceptance
Of what we need to do
And bring into our lives
That will help and heal us
As we move our pieces
Once more time
Around this game board.

This is my journey,
— Nate Long “Owl”


FluteOnce More, We Begin