Planting a Seed

by | Dec 13, 2021 | Flute, Journey Work, Special Event

A Shamanic Flute Journey for the New Year

Planting a Seed Flute Journey :

The most effective way, maybe the only way, to manifest abundance for the new year ahead, is to begin by planting an intentional seed of hope, gratitude, and love within our heart space. We can do this by first giving to others, in whatever way that looks like. This nurtures the soils where our seed will be planted.

This event will also include a gifting opportunity, where you are invited and encouraged to bring something of yourself to share with the circle. It may be a crafted gift, a poem, a song, or an item that is significant to you and your path. You are also asked to bring a small dish or treat to share with the group after the ceremony. And… as there needs to be balance between giving and receiving… you will be expected to receive with an open and accepting heart.


FlutePlanting a Seed