
Each of the following projects and events and ceremonies can be introduced and facilitated for your group. Please contact me for more information.

Austin Labyrinth Project

Walking the Labyrinth is an amazing way to move into your own journey and focus in on where you have been, where you are and where you are going.  This project has grown into a larger undertaking with multiple events held throughout the year.

Shamanic Retreats and Outdoor Ceremony

Meditations, ceremony, drum circles, journey-work all are enhanced when done in the outdoors. Events range from short meditation walks to longer multi-day retreats.

Medicine Drum Making

The making of drums for the purpose of Shamanic work has been done for centuries. Making the drum with proper intent and integrity is necessary when bringing such a wonderful ally and tool into this world.  Group Drum Making workshops are held twice a year, in the Spring and the Fall, or if there is a demand.   Personal work is also available for specific individual needs.

A thoughtful ceremonialist and leader

I have known Nate Long for many years and have attended several of his special events and projects. He is a thoughtful ceremonialist, as well as a careful and conscientious leader. I strongly support Nate and recommend attending his programs.

Garry Starnes, MEd

This is a sacred universe

which contains a sacred Earth, upon which resides sacred plants and animals, sacred thought and prayer, sacred hope and caring. For everything is truly sacred and contains a Spirit that deserves respect and devotion. We, as Human, must find this vision of everything again… for where we have forgotten how to see the magic, everything else within this universe has not.

Nate Long "Owl"

Nate’s heart is big and wide…

Nate’s heart is big and wide, generous and enthusiastic! His love of Shamanism is contagious, as he calls many to join him in various Circles. He shares it beautifully with his drum and drum making, his frequent Journeys and his flute. His singing of Native American chants sends one straight to one’s core – Divine. Creating a Labyrinth is another way that he gathers people and honors Mother Earth delightfully. Nate’s commitment to this Path seems unwavering, and is inspiring for those who gather with him. Thank you Nate!
Heather Joyce Wolfe

A richness and depth

I love working with Nate because there is a richness and depth that he brings that is super nurturing and supportive. I can feel his sacredness coming through in all our interactions. He is an authentic wise soul, helper and guide. I highly recommend working with him.

Shannon Hamilton