Drum Making Workshop Guide

This is a Made Prayer Workshop presented by Blue Eye Art

“Nate’s workshops are not just about building your drum. They are about building a relationship with your drum and the awareness that what you put into making your drum will ultimately determine what you get out of it.”

Kevin Johnson, Founder and Practitioner of Vida Brillante, Shamanic Services

Hello Drum Makers!

Please read carefully … Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions! 

Spiritual magic happens when we recognize an important need, turning that into a prayer and intention then to instill that prayer into a sacred creation. Building a drum or rattle with our intentions infused into its look, feel, and function. In this way, we are birthing a living spiritual guide to help us with our inner work, enable manifestation, and bring wisdom.

Power of Drumming

For centuries, if not millennia, drumming has been a central part of indigenous cultures worldwide, playing a vital role in ceremonies such as healings, purifications, weddings, births, deaths, harvests, and rites of passage. This ancient practice connects people to the Earth and each other through its universal, vibrational language. The drumbeat communes and connects us with the heartbeat of the Earth and all her creatures, creating a profound sense of unity.

In many modern spiritual practices, drumming is used to help settle the mind and allow for deeper focus. Scientific research indicates that drumming can alter brainwave patterns, significantly reducing stress. As one of the oldest healing tools, the drum is an accessible and powerful instrument for reconnecting with our deeper selves and the world around us — and the drum offers a therapeutic experience that requires no prior musical training.

Blue Eye Art is excited to offer this workshop for your community!

Drum Kits: It will be the participants responsibility to order, purchase and ship their drum kit.

  • Cost of kits can vary (between $50 and $250) depending on size and hide-type. Order multiple kits if possible to reduce shipping cost.
  • Please order kit hides with pre-punched holes
  • Please order a drum beater kit
  • Order at least two weeks prior to the workshop
  • Centralia Fur and Hide. You are welcome to order from another vendor, but please make sure your kit comes with a wood hoop, rawhide of appropriate size, and rawhide lacing.

Items to bring:

  • If you need special arrangements for your physical comfort, please let the facilitator know ahead of time.
  • A blanket, yoga mat, pillows… we will be doing much of the work on the ground.
  • Wear comfortable clothingI
  • WATER!  bring a big bottle to stay hydrated. And snacks if you wish.

Preparing for Drum Making workshop:

  • Order your drum kit at least 2 weeks in advance
  • Examine all drum kit materials once they arrive, you should have:
    • Round raw-hide (with pre-punched holes)
    • Hoop frame
    • Raw-hide lacing
    • Drum beater kit.
  • With materials laid out in front of you, do some personal journey-work around your intentions for this new Drum
    • Ask Spirit Guides for information on its purpose. Healing, meditative, space-setting, etc.
    • Give thanks and honor the sacrifices of both the animal (rawhide) and tree (hoop). Maybe ask them for guidance and a blessing.
  • The evening before the workshop, submerge all rawhide, including lacing, in a tub of water (not the suede)
    • Bring the wet rawhide to the workshop wrapped in a beach towel.
  • We will be making drum beaters, as well.
    • Bring your drum beater kit with your drum kit
  • A printed Workbook is available for purchase on Amazon

Other options for your workshop:

(The following may involve additional preparations and materials that will add extra cost to the workshop):

  • Special training on playing the drum for personal and group uses
  • Training specific to core-shamanic journey work
  • Rattle-making

Drum Blessing Ceremony:

  • A special Drum Blessing Ceremony will be held the following day … all are welcome to come witness this birthing ceremony!
  • This is an energetic welcoming to the new spirit that you have birthed into the world.
  • There is no charge to attend the ceremony and all family and friends are welcomed (witnesses are encouraged!)

PLEASE contact Nate if you have questions. 

email: nate.long@blueeyeart.com

CONTACT Nate Long.

ProjectsMedicine Drums and RattlesMedicine Drum and Rattle Making WorkshopsDrum Making Workshop Guide