Retreats and Ceremony

Workshops, meditations, ceremony, drum circles, journey-work all are enhanced in a group setting.

Austin Shamanic Community Campout and Journey Circle

Twice each year I facilitate a three day retreat for the Austin Shamanic Community. Activities include, among other things, outdoor journeying, labyrinth ceremony, morning meditations, sacred object creation and lots of time for healing conversation and energy work.

The following will link to some gallery images for each of the past retreats.

Spring 2023 Shamanic Community Campout

Fall 2023 Shamanic Community Campout

Spring 2023 Shamanic Community Campout

Fall 2022 Shamanic Community Campout

Spring 2022 Shamanic Community Campout

Fall 2021 Shamanic Community Campout

Spring 2021 Shamanic Community Campout (Cancelled due to Covid-19)

Fall 2020 Shamanic Community Outdoor Gathering and Labyrinth Workday

Spring 2020 Shamanic Community Campout (Cancelled due to Covid-19)

Fall 2019 Shamanic Community Campout

Spring 2019 Shamanic Community Campout

Fall 2018 Shamanic Community Campout (Cancelled due to storms)

Spring 2018 Shamanic Community Campout

Fall 2017 Shamanic Community Campout

Spring 2017 Shamanic Community Campout

Fall 2016 Shamanic Community Campout

Spring 2016 Shamanic Community Campout

Fall 2015 Shamanic Community Campout

Spring 2015 Shamanic Community Campout

Making a Prayer of Gratitude Dreamcatcher Circle

Annually held near Thanksgiving, this Ceremony involves the weaving of a large dream catcher, then the opportunity for participants to receive and give gratitude. Very beautiful and powerful.

A Catcher woven between us
Connects us all
We give our Gratitude and Unconditional Love to all things
Letting us hold the space of every one and every thing

Letting us for a brief moment feel how it does
To have influence on an entire Universe

2023 Thanksgiving Sacred Hoop (Dreamcatcher)

2022 Gratitude Dreamcatcher

2021 Gratitude Dreamcatcher

2020 100′ Gratitude Dreamcatcher

2019 Gratitude Dreamcatcher

2018 Gratitude Dreamcatcher

2017 Gratitude Dreamcatcher

2016 Gratitude Dreamcatcher

2015 Gratitude Dreamcatcher

Visit this Google Photo Album for images from all Dreamcatcher Ceremonies

Heart Working Journey Video

A Walk in the Wood Meditation

We walk silently and barefoot down a short trail through a grove of juniper trees to a hidden “Catcher Altar” in the woods. There we sit and drum for 10 to 15 minute to set our intentions and ask for guidance. We then exit in silence just as we came in.

We Are All Related – A Children’s Workshop

Honoring One Another & All Things

Facilitated by Nate Long “Owl” and Suzanne Bacci “Sumati”

Celebrating Connection to Mother Earth with the Four Directions, Medicine Wheel and Fun Activities that help us see that “We Are All Related… No Matter What”.

> Celebrate All our Connections (people, places & things)

> Enjoy the Sounds of Flute & Drum

> Share & Speak with a “Talking Stick”

> Meet the Directions

> Paint & Walk the Medicine Wheel

> Explore imaginative Guided Meditation

> Stretch and move with YOGA

> Drum, Rattle & Dance during our Music Circle

ProjectsRetreats and Ceremony