Sister East

by | Feb 17, 2016 | Illustration, Journey Work

Sister East :

I stand on a hill and feel the winds blow from the four corners. There is a glow of yellow in front of me, a reddish tint to the sky to my right, behind me the sky is dark and to my left there is the look and feel of crispness after a snow storm. An Eagle approaches from high up and circles down to me. I rise then on my own wings and follow him toward the yellow skyline… toward his home in the East.

I see a city or cathedral ahead of me. It is lighter than gold as it glows upward and outward, creating a sphere of yellow. There are no trees or plants anywhere. There are no animals or people anywhere. I notice, however, that the grounds are littered with seeds of all sorts. There are also eggs of many sizes scattered around. I feel within me a foggy sleepiness, like I’m just waking up.

I ask Eagle if I may meet the Spirit entity of East and without a comment he leads me to an open courtyard. Sitting on many pillows is a most beautiful young woman. She has dark hair and dark piercing and smiling eyes. She wears a loose, light yellow gown. And she is very pregnant.

She tells me to call her Sister East and she answers my questions about her home. She has a presence about her that radiates hope and excitement and expectation for what will come. A very happy feeling of “I CAN’T WAIT!!!” envelopes me. She tells me that her land is where the dreams are made before we awake. Where our inspirations and imaginations create a blueprint (of sorts) for what will come. That hers is a land of incredibly magical potential for what the new day and new life has to offer. She explains that the seeds and eggs perfectly embody this potential.

I then reluctantly ask her if there is ever fear or anxiety for what will be born or what will sprout? She smiles gently but knowingly, like she has been with this question before. She says “fear of the new is a product of mankind not of the spirit world.”

I thank her for all of her wisdom and attention then fly back to the hilltop I came from.

This is my journey.

— Nate Long “Owl”


IllustrationSister East