Spring Flowers

by | Mar 20, 2024 | Journey Work, Nature

Spring Flowers

In the embrace of Spring, the world stirs,
As flowers unfurl, heralding a new beginning.
Each petal is a delicate and silent witness to renewal,
Where memories echo, only to embrace tomorrow’s promises.

Roses, so deep and bold, whisper of passion and longing,
Inviting the bees’ dance of life within this symbiotic rhythm.
Daisies, with unassuming charm, all nod in agreement,
Welcoming in songbirds’ melodies, to gently awaken the world.

Lilies stand tall, releasing their fragrance with elegance and grace,
Inviting the winged ones to perch and sing a chorus of existence.
In this symphony of nature, we join these Spirits in solace,
Dancing and joining nature within her cyclical transformation.

So let us each dive under this blanket of Spring flowers,
With brilliant colors and sweet scents,
Where the bees and birds dance with us
And where we all sing a song of promise and possibility.

This is my journey,
–Nate long “Owl”


Journey WorkSpring Flowers