Táltos Paripa

by | Jan 27, 2022 | Drum and Rattle

(“Shaman’s Steed” Hungarian Mythology)

Táltos Paripa :

Ride under a blue of protection.
Dance upon the dust of ancestors.
Always look up to find your bearing.
Always look down to find the next step.

Ride Black Horse when you look back at the trail behind.
The challenges and joys you have been through.
Ride Black Horse through the field of ancestors
into the caves of lower spirits
where rhythms of Earth direct and hold you.
Let Black Horse safely guide you.

Ride White Horse through your worksite
where commitments to labor surround you.
Ride to maintain and add-on to Home.
Next to you rides a spirit of challenge
which may sometimes feel as unwanted pressure
and sometimes encouragement.
Let White Horse safely guide you.

Ride Red Horse when you are scouting the trail ahead.
There’s wonder at what lays beyond the next hill.
There’s fear of unknown dangers in the dark wood.
Next to you rides a spirit of patience and self-confidence saying:
“Whatever comes next is an opportunity to learn the new
and mend that which is broken.”
Let Red Horse safely guide you.

This is my journey
— Nate Long “Owl”

Commissioned 20″ horse-hide drum

For more information on custom drum/rattle making please visit the Medicine Drum and Rattle Making page.

For more information on custom work or for future drum/rattle making workshops please visit the Medicine Drum and Rattle Making page.


Drum and RattleTáltos Paripa