IllustrationThe Event Horizon

The Event Horizon

by | Jul 9, 2019 | Illustration, Journey Work

The Event Horizon :

This present moment is the event horizon of a great swirling storm
Where everything must pass, directly through your heart.

How insignificant you can feel.
Standing in this infinitely small “in between” place
in relation to the vast expanse of what has been and all that will be.

And yet, how amazingly significant you are.
This one tiny moment is where all changes in direction are made.

With a touch, all things are altered as they pass through you,
The highs and lows and all that is between,
And with a sudden purpose, birth is given to an infinity of futures,
of both the imaginable and the unimaginable.

This is my journey,
— Nate Long “Owl”

Graphite with digital manipulation
