The Storyteller Spirit

by | Dec 11, 2023 | Illustration, Journey Work

The Storyteller Spirit

This celestial guide and teacher of storytelling is an archetype that has influenced cultures and belief systems throughout the world and history. And me. Thank you, great Storyteller, for your wisdom and teachings and for helping me craft the storylines within my life and tell the tales with purpose and courage, which ultimately brings insight and healing to myself and others.

The Storyteller Spirit has whispered to me and emphasized that the temporal dimension is a crucial factor in weaving a captivating narrative. More than words, this narrative also consists of intentions and activities that can be incorporated as unique and powerful elements into the ordering of the tale. The telling and teaching of an intended moral in an insightful way, in the right order, can hold relevance within so many things we do. Embarking on a journey of storytelling involves not only understanding the elements of narrative construction but also appreciating the nuanced dance of timing and delivery. Just as important events are strategically placed within the timeline, the moment chosen for revealing these narrative gems plays a pivotal role in their impact. The artful orchestration of timing creates a cadence, an ebb, and flow that captivates the reader, drawing them into the unfolding tale.

The Storyteller Spirit imparts the wisdom that the effectiveness of storytelling is not solely reliant on the content itself but is equally dependent on when that content is shared. For instance, a story of resilience and triumph may resonate most deeply when unveiled during a team’s challenging moment, fostering a collective spirit of motivation and determination. Conversely, a reflective narrative may find its resonance in a moment of quiet contemplation, allowing the audience to absorb its depth and meaning. The Spirit’s guidance underscores that the storyteller is not merely a narrator but a conductor, attuned to the emotional and psychological rhythms of the audience.

Moreover, the temporal aspect of storytelling serves as a universal principle applicable beyond fiction. In event planning, the choice of when to unveil key moments in a ceremony can elevate the overall experience. In business planning, the strategic timing of decisions and announcements shapes the narrative of growth and success. Even in the tapestry of everyday life, understanding the rhythms of time ensures that personal stories unfold with purpose and impact.

In essence, the storytelling journey is a holistic exploration, where the composition of narrative elements is complemented by an acute awareness of when these elements are revealed. Through this intricate interplay of timing and delivery, the storyteller transforms individual words, intention, and activity into a symphony that resonates deep within the souls of the audience, creating a narrative experience that is not only well-crafted but also profoundly impactful.


Storyteller Spirit: This celestial guide and teacher of storytelling has influenced cultures and belief systems throughout the world and history.

Thoth from ancient Egyptian mythology, often depicted with the head of an ibis or as a baboon, was the god of wisdom, writing, and magic. He was considered a divine scribe and credited with creating language and hieroglyphs. Thoth played a role in maintaining the balance of the universe and was a keeper of knowledge, making him a fitting representation of storytelling and wisdom.

In Norse mythology, Odin, the All-Father, might be considered a deity associated with wisdom and poetry. Odin sacrificed one of his eyes at the Well of Urd in exchange for wisdom, and he discovered the runes, a system of writing and divination. Poetry, storytelling, and the sharing of knowledge were highly valued in Norse culture, and Odin’s pursuit of wisdom aligns with the essence of storytelling.

In Greek mythology, Hermes, the messenger of the gods, is associated with communication, language, and interpretation. While he is not exclusively linked to storytelling, his role as a communicator and mediator between realms makes him a figure with some relevance to the transmission of stories.

Native American cultures have rich oral traditions that have all been touched by the Storyteller Spirit in one way or another, and many of these traditions place great importance on storytelling as a means of preserving cultural heritage, passing down wisdom, and connecting with spiritual aspects of life. Those who tell the stories are often called “keepers of the oral tradition,” and are respected elders who play a crucial role in transmitting tribal history, myths, and teachings, most of which hold spiritual, cultural, and moral significance within their communities. The emphasis on storytelling can be seen in the context of ceremonies, rituals, and tribal gatherings and goes well beyond entertainment, serving as a way to educate the younger generations, instill values, and maintain a sense of identity and continuity.

This is my journey,
— Nate Long “Owl”

Pen and ink with digital manipulation


IllustrationThe Storyteller Spirit