The Veil of Being

by | Apr 2, 2024 | Journey Work

The Veil of Being

In the vast expanse of existence, three distinct realms unfold. Below us lies the earthy depths, where wisdom is deeply rooted. Here, the past resides, filled with echoes of regrets, longings, and traumas, yet balanced by profound teachings and memories of joy. Above us stretches the expansive sky, offering insight and perspective. This realm represents the future, where fears and anxieties coexist with hopeful dreams of love, happiness, and abundance.

Between these two realms exists the middle ground, a thin veil known as the present moment. It’s like a comfortable but transient blanket, neither fully here nor there. We don’t live within it, but rather, we exist in a constant state of flux, shifting between the echoes of the past and the aspirations of the future. Always, either lying on this plush comfortable blanket or beneath its warmth and holding.

In this liminal realm of being, we find ourselves navigating through the uncertainties of life, finding solace in the ever-changing balance between what has been and what could be. Existence unfolds as a tapestry, woven with the threads of past, present, and future, each contributing to the intricate fabric of how we define our reality, whether that definition is one of fear and longing or one of joyful anticipation and fond recollection.

This is my journey,
— Nate Long “Owl”


Journey WorkThe Veil of Being