A Thousand-Fold Cross-Roads

by | May 17, 2018 | Illustration, Journey Work

A Thousand-Fold Cross-Roads :

There’s an important point
You stand on in the road.
A place where you will one day
Remember with pivotal importance.
It is a thousand-fold cross-roads.
Some paths look harder than others.
Some look prettier and more inviting.
But if you remove these adjective views
That all those in your life have given you
Then all paths become equal.
Which way will you go then?
One day you will look back without regret,
And see this one point as where you came from,
And that life is truly your own amazing invention.

For Alex (2018 High School Graduate)
This is my journey
Nate Long “Owl”

Ink with digital manipulation


IllustrationA Thousand-Fold Cross-Roads