Transition of Perception

by | Mar 28, 2020 | Illustration, Journey Work

Transition of Perception :

Why does this world seem like a dream right now?
Surreal, off-kilter and maybe a little darker or blurrier?
This is the result of a transition in perception.
How I saw my universe before is not the same now.
I would venture to say that any time we change perceptions
Whether through crisis and trauma
Whether intentional through meditation and journey work
Whether through a right-of-passage
Any time… the immediate perception that follows will look alien.
And that, of course, can be frightful, confusing and unexpected.
Or it can be a divine opportunity to grow and learn.
I am a believer that this transition of perception
Is truly a gift given out of love from the Greater Spirits of our Heart.

Be at peace, be healthy, be in Love.

This is my journey
Nate Long “Owl”

Graphite with digital manipulation


IllustrationTransition of Perception