Turning Fear Into Love

by | Mar 30, 2016 | Illustration, Journey Work

Turning Fear Into Love :

Below the skin next to the heart,
Dark and uncomfortable and foreign,
A black seed implanted within the chest.

Gently caress this place as a mother would,
Then reach in and pull it out,
Hold it and recognize it for what it is.

With the finger tip feel how cold it is,
Its roughness and markings and imperfections,
Really, truly notice this object … then accept it.

This is Fear.

Now shape it, rub it and mold it like clay,
Smooth its surface into that of an egg,
Put wishes and hopes and dreams into it.

Work with it until it’s color lightens to gray,
Then gradually into a white and brilliant object,
Glowing like a sacred beacon that can guide the lost.

With the finger tip feel how warm it is,
The smoothness and perfection,
The energetic vibrations it gives.

Then something inside suddenly moves,
Something is growing, something wonderful,
Full of potential and new life.

This is Love.

Hold this glowing egg within the hand,
Gently push it back into the chest,
Just under the skin and next to the heart.

Feel it there as it continues to grow,
Bringing strength to all parts of the body.

Feel it glow outward, reaching toward others,
And watch them smile as this love touches them, too.

This is my journey.

— Nate Long “Owl”


IllustrationTurning Fear Into Love