Willow Catcher

by | Jul 29, 2024 | Journey Work, Made-Art

Here is a Made Prayer done for the father for his young child. The willow tree spoke to me of her willingness to guide and protect and gave me the image of this catcher to be made and hung above the child’s bed. The hoop is willow branches. The leaves are cut and painted deer leather. The transition from yellow to white represents the spirit within. The red center “spider” bead symbolizes Great Spirit. The owl feather symbolizes Owl as a sentry of sacred protection.

I am here to stand tall beside you as you flow
With my roots deep and thin green arms
You are this swift current I look over
Captured within your channel
And you move things where they need to go

You hold the reflection of the sun and of me
And so your vision must not be one of fear

With time you will clean this world
Just as I now help to clean you
I am that one tree
That casts cool shadows for you alone

And I will always hang over you
To sift and filter and secure you
From anything that might pull you from your banks

I bring you blessings and comfort
I bring you sweet dreams and a passion for the morning
I bring you both laughter and healing
I bring you a clear and understood view
Of where the new day will take you

Your friend and guide,
The Willow Tree

This is my journey,
— Nate Long “Owl”

Please visit www.blueeyeart.com to explore all of my posts and offerings, including my latest book “Made Prayer”. If you would like to discuss potential commissioned work, please send email to nate.long@blueeyeart.com.


Journey WorkWillow Catcher